Free Event

Funding One-on-Ones

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Does the idea of writing a grant strike fear deep into your heart? Find out what staff from Australia Council, Creative Victoria, Auspicious Arts Projects and The Wheeler Centre are looking for in an application, and chat to them one-on-one about your ideas and how to approach applying. They won’t bite, we promise.

Upon booking you will be asked to tick which organisation(s) you would like to speak to. The team at EWF will then allocate you a 10-minute slot between 11am-1pm on Monday 25 June for each organisation you wish to speak to. You will receive an email with your allocated time-slot after you have booked a ticket.

There are limited spots available, so please only select the organisations you wish to speak to.

About the Organisations

Australia Council

The Australia Council has a number of grant programs available each year for artists. Of particular note for writers is the Arts Projects for Individuals and Groups which consists of three grant rounds per year.

Creative Victoria (BOOKED OUT)

Creative Victoria’s VicArts Grants program invests in the creative endeavours and professional practice of Victoria’s artists and smaller arts companies. It provides one-off support for discrete projects and programs that will develop and bring dynamism to Victoria’s arts sector.

Please note the sessions for Creative Victoria are now booked out, but you can add your name to the waiting list.

Auspicious Arts Projects

Auspicious Arts Projects is an auspice body dedicated to providing financial and administrative support for individual artists, projects, festivals, small companies, community groups and city councils. They auspice government grants, philanthropic funds and other artistic income and can guide you to the most likely sources of funding and support for your project.

The Wheeler Centre (The Next Chapter)

The Wheeler Centre’s Next Chapter will elevate the Australian stories that aren’t being published – and to nurture a new generation of writers, from all sorts of backgrounds, to tell them. Each year, The Next Chapter judges will pick ten outstanding writers and give them $15,000 each to develop their work. The scheme will match them with a mentor who will work closely with them on bringing their writing to life, connecting them with peers, publishers and readers. If their work finds publication, the Wheeler Centre will then work with the successful publisher to support getting the books into the hands of new readers. Find out more about The Next Chapter here.

Monday 25 June
from 11am

Free (bookings essential)

Experimedia, State Library Victoria
328 Swanston St, Melbourne 3000