Mel Campbell is a freelance journalist and critic who co-hosts the fortnightly literature and culture podcast The Rereaders. She is a columnist on writing at ‘Overland’ magazine, a lecturer in editing and publishing at La Trobe University, and a writer-for-hire on film, TV and media. Her first book was the nonfiction investigation ‘Out of Shape: Debunking Myths about Fashion and Fit’ (Affirm Press, 2013), and she’s the co-author, with Anthony Morris, of the romantic comedy novel ‘The Hot Guy’ (Echo Publishing, 2017). Mel’s latest project is ‘The Look’: reviews and essays about film, TV, clothes and history.
Mel Campbell
Thursday 28 June
$55 full/$45 concession
The Wheeler Centre Performance Space
176 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
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