Soreti, known also as Hawiine, is a female, Oromo, multidisciplinary creative who’s expression includes but is not limited to performance poetry, writing, music, organising and entrepreneurship. She is passionate about her people, about the global indigenous experience, about seeing the continent of her birth embrace itself, about increasing her own and our awareness on the racial and gender dynamics that hold us back and about every person on this earth knowing of and living through their inherent greatness. Soreti’s artistic and leadership journey has seen her speak, perform, collaborate and lead in a variety of contexts across so-called-australia and the wider world, from the international aid and development industry, grassroots community organising, festivals, conferences, panels and numerous poetry features.
Soreti Kadir
Monday 25 June
$19 full/$17 concession
Northcote Town Hall
189 High St, Northcote 3070
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